“The Real and Stunning Truth about your Automobile!”. Or Is it really ready for Winter, Or isn’t it?………
Now its no big secret that many if not most Auto’s are barely fit for the ‘public roadways’ even in the summer time much less then in the stressful and demanding conditions of a harsh and Bitter Winter but again and more to -the point- is your Motorcar up to snuff, Or is it?,.
Granted that many people tend to huff about just a bit on expenses so they ofttimes fail to visit the Garage or a proper Mechanics Shop to have their Automobile properly tuned and put in order. So for Brevity’s sake lets quickly discuss just a few points that will benefit both New and Old Owners shall we…….. After all its ‘No Secret’ that after a Motorcar passes 3 years of use and mileage then many systems in that vehicle achieve noticeable wear, And in some systems this is critically so but we will now outline these points below and allow you the owner to see for yourself if your Vehicle will meet the test?.
1. Is your shop or Maintenance Area a proper and ‘Certified Place’ to have the work done.
2. Is your Mechanic a ‘Licensed or Certified Technician’ authorized to fix vehicles of your type.
3. Are the proper tools and equipments available to fix any needed faults.
4. Is the shop a ‘Reputable Place’ and are the costs/prices in line with competitive shops elsewhere.
5. Are the proper Factory Authorized Parts available and not cheap after market parts being used.
6. What is the Shops policy on repairs and will they stand behind their work and do they?…… Of course to close we should touch upon some other factors that affect both you the owner along with the rest of the ‘Motoring Public’ as if we -One Vehicle- fails in heavy traffic then many other vehicles and even other people are sadly placed at terrible risk as its important to make sure that your Personal Automobile is equipped in the fall with the proper winter or Snow Tyres to help ride and steer properly in icy and snow bound conditions and are the Tires in solid shape as a Penny’s wise but a Pound foolish is a sorry economy where a Vehicle is concerned and lastly we should touch upon the secondaries like: Are the headlights doing well and are the brakes working and in good order and if not then why not as all of these matters along with the proper wipers, Oil changes and other matters are relatively low cost affairs.
‘Remember you owe it to yourself your family and to others to keep your Auto in shape!’